Solange Knowles in South Africa. Make Up by Sylvie Hurford.
Every now and again I get to use this blog, this fashion platform, to give my friends the props they deserve. And while I wanted to show you the brilliant make-up job that my mate Sylvie Hurford did for Solange Knowles on her video shoot right here in Cape Town, there are a couple of other people I get to acknowledge too.
Sylvie works for L'Oreal (@SylvieLOreal). That's her, the blonde. She was always going to use this fuchsia lip colour from them on Solange. It was a given. Perfectly pitched and everyone loved it.
I got these images — and when I say 'got', what I mean is STOLE — from my dear Malibongwe Tyilo whose blog SkattieWhatAreYouWearing is a pistol of a blog. He gatecrashed the Solange shoot and tells you all about it on his blog where you will find plenty more of these kinds of photos.
And finally I get to mention that one of the most talented designers in South Africa, Anisa Mpungwe, found a new fan in Solange. Solange was flow to SA by our local Elle Magazine, who shot her for their November cover. On the rack of many local designers, Solange selected garments from Loin Cloth & Ashes, Anisa's label, to wear for the shoot. POW! And she may wear some to New York Fashion Week, starting soon. AMAZING. Props to all of these talented local fashion folk.