Dressing for Tourism. Lessons From Kim Kardashian.
Every now and again I have to admit I have been wrong. Like today. I really thought I had travelling style down pat. I've done enough of it over the years. I assumed that a great pair of metallic sneakers, a well fitted pair of jeans and a jacket and t-shirt would see you though most circumstances — especially when paired with a great bag and sun glasses. No. This is clearly completely out of order. Apparently the way in which one should dress for a 'romantic trip of a lifetime' to celebrate one's 'dreaded 32nd birthday' is this. Seven inch heels and a white lace dress. A tiny, tiny red velvet bag will invoke the romance. What do you mean those heels are inappropriate for the cobbled streets of Europe? Get over yourself. This is style we are talking about. This is Kim Kardashian. Oh, and don't forget the gigantic earrings.
Accompanied by her boyfriend/stylist, Kanye West, Kim went shopping on her trip to Venice. No, not to see the galleries and museums. No, rather shopping. Maybe for a dress that flatters her incredible body rather than does this to it?
But maybe I am wrong again. I mean this is a lovely shade of grey, rather than black or white. And it seems to be comfortable. Isn't that what you want when sightseeing? I mean those heels are almost wedges which surely is progress — coming around to our way of thinking?
Oh no, it is the spike heels that are back. A skin-tight ruched dress is just the ticket for a tour of a city. Especially one that is a bit see-through and we can see the bra that is spectacularly failing to hold the bust in the correct position. At least Kim has a mac on in case of rain. How very practical. Notes taken. Let's see how it works on my next trip abroad. I'll keep you all posted.