Ewa Sonnet Love

Sandra Bullock in Vionnet Dress on Jay Leno
I seem to be at odds with other celeb style bloggers today. Here is another example. Sandra Bullock in Vionnet on Jay Leno. It has a splash of orange pleating in the skirt area. And some mesh in the top. Does it fit her? Yes, it does. Does it reveal what it shouldn't? No. Does she look event appropriate? Yes, I believe she does. So what is the issue guys?
Sandy was promoting her new movie Gravity. I think she looked fresh and cool and interesting. I think it is a breath of fresh air after all the fitted shifts. I think that she looks great. And totally who I hope to be when I get a few years older. Mostly because she is fun, has a cute baby and has come around to colour in a big way of late. Awesome.
And all those nit pickers who think that this dress doesn't work for her — get over it. There are no rules anymore. She doesn't have to wear a shift dress just because she is nearly 50. Not when she looks great in more relaxed styles too. Don't you think?
Idle Talk: