Ewa Sonnet Love

Jennifer Lawrence Smoulders in Paris, Sheers in LA
Well this lot has divided opinion, that's for certain. I have already heard this described as a frock-horror-show. And yet, for the first time I think that the completely sheer custom Dior looks youthful and relevant on Jennifer Lawrence. I love the colour, that's for sure.
So I guess it is up to everyone to make their own minds up about this gown that J-Law wore to the LA premier last night. I just think that it makes a nice change that she is making a bold statement, rather than playing it safe in Dior. It is definitely only something a young woman can wear. And for a change it doesn't look like a prom dress. Well not one at my girls' school anyway.
I think that she looks cool and confident in it anyway. Less tugging and gurning as she tries to keep everything in place. This looks like something you can throw on and forget about. Assuming you keep your tummy pulled in, of course.
Unlike the Dior that she wore in Paris at the premier there on the weekend. The risk of side boob action becoming a 'nips-out' full on wardrobe malfunction was high. Her co-stars were on full alert and were seen nudging her to re-adjust on occasion.
And as dramatic and gothic as this dress is — and I will always love a bit of goth — I still didn't think that it looked cool and youthful. Not like the sheer of last night. It was still a bit staid and over-wrought for me. A bit too much, really.
Although I will say that I loved the hair and make-up. This whole press junket has seen impeccable hair and make-up. The best decision Jennifer ever made was cutting her hair before the tour. It has been a sensational experience, one that has inspired many to follow suit and make the chop.
Idle Talk: