I have to say that one of the best conceived fashion retail campaigns has to be the "We Go Together" Denim and tees campaign launched last week by Mr Price. For the launch event, the Mr Price team flew UK designer Henry Holland out to SA. He came here to get involved with the Red Cap Foundation as well as to support the launch of his exclusive t-shirt collection for Mr Price summer.
I have followed Henry Holland on twitter for some years. On it he is witty and irreverent and great fun, which is all reflected in his collections over the years. He drew on several of these collection high points for his designs for the t-shirt collection. and his team are looking at how they can come into the country on a more permanent basis soon. Great news. He was cool to meet and seemed very friendly and engaged with everyone. No diva behaviour from this one. This was my favourite of the tees and I managed to snap up one with my voucher that we were given...maybe I will give it away to you guys when it is delivered. Any of you keen to win it?
Also involved in the "We Go Together' campaign was the band FUN. I was disappointed that they didn't come over for the launch, but apparently they are on tour at the moment.
Their t-shirts were also cool and I snapped up a couple of those too. This is my favourite but I suggest you go onto the Mr Price site to get involved and see what else is going on with this campaign and the rest of the line of tees. I have had a great time with this campaign so far. I hope you do too. Clever peeps at Mr Price. The photo of Henry and I (and some other fashion folks) was taken by Marco from Man of the Cloth blog. The rest of the photos are courtesy of Mr Price.